LIQUID CAKE® Muffin Vegan batter is a milk-free and egg-free batter which you can simply portion out and bake – with a moist crumb and no lost of taste!

The only clean label liquid batter. Our liquid batters are semi-finished pastries for high convenience and premium product quality.

Benefits for the industry

  • Clear and clean label
  • Technological advantage leads to premium quality: moist crumb and crispy-shining crust
  • Productivity: Application very easy; very good to scale, guarantees constant quality also with non-bakery-staff
  • Marketing: Aroma marketing due to in store baking
  • Long shelf life after baking (3-5 days)
  • The LIQUID CAKE® batter as well as the finished product can easily be frozen without compromising on any quality.

Technical details:

  • Unique proprietary technology with inhouse-developed equipment and processing steps
  • Chilled shelf life 35 days, frozen dough 12 months
  • Registered brand
  • Clean and clear label
  • Also available as free-from products 

Solution readiness:

  • Industrial and market proven
  • Marketed in Switzerland and Germany

Specific label regulation:

  • Clean label and clear label
  • available in certified halal, kosher and organic quality

Packaging: 600 kg container or 10 kg bucket with fresh chilled dough or frozen dough

Benefits consumer

  • Fresh and aromatic product quality with premium ingredients
  • Long shelf life of the baked product (3-5 days)