Many consumers have bought a lot of flour during the past few weeks and now they are hoarding it. Soon the question will arise: What can we do with the flour? How do you bake your own bread?

Without previous knowledge, it is not easy to bake bread at home with a normal oven. In addition, yeast cubes are hard to find in retail stores now.

BREADMAGIC®  – the  liquid yeast-sponge for home-use with guaranteed success

BREADMAGIC® is portioned for home-baking, easy to use, without the need for extra yeast, without long fermentation times. Since the liquid pre-dough has been pre-fermented for at least 72 hours, BREADMAGIC® leads to a better aroma and taste as well as to prolonged freshness of the baked product.


Benefits for Consumers

  • Success guaranteed without special equipment
  • Easy to portion, easy to use, no long fermentation times necesary
  • 100% natural (no E numbers)
  • Suitable to produce various types of bread such as farmhouse bread, sweet yeast, Ruchbrot, Buerli, pizza, etc.
  • Aroma and cosiness for home

Benefits for Society and Industry

  • Product innovation that meets current consumer needs
  • Substitute product for yeast cubes or dry yeast with high added value for consumers
  • Reduction of food waste – the use of flour is greatly simplified for the consumer


Technical Details:

    • Clean and Clear Label
    • Shelf-life of the liquid yeast sponge: chilled 30 days, frozen 12 months
    • Can be kept at room temperature up to 2 hours
    • Unique proprietary technology with self-developed devices and processing steps


Declaration: Cream yeast, pre-dough (wheat flour, barley malt flour, yeast, acerola juice)


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