PANATURA® GILite is a GI reducer to produce low glycemic muffins with a GI < 55. It is clinically tested.

Benefits for the industry

  • Clear and clean label; no improvers necessary
  • Quality: granulated concentrated preferment

Technical details:

  • Patented technology for GI reducing
  • Registered brand
  • Clean label and clear label
  • Shelf-life: 12 months
  • No E-numbers
  • 100% natural

Solution readiness:

  • Clinically proven
  • Industrially proven
  • Market proven not yet: Launch date in Australia in 2020

Specific label regulation: clean label and clear label, GI Foundation (OZ), Inquis – clinical research /GI Labs, Toronto (CAN)

Packaging: 25 kg paper bags

Benefits consumer

  • Healthy because of low GI
  • 100% natural ingredients
  • Premium Quality
  • Better crumb and slicing properties
  • Stays fresh longer
  • Typical bread aroma of long fermentation
  • Simply tastes good!